June 20, 2010

I have been busy for the whole day because today we cleared my old apartment from all of my stuff and moved them temporarily to my parents house, until I get new apartment at autumn. And after that I just was so freaking tired that I haven't done any decent stuff to upload. But I still got some scribbles what I did today. And some from the yesterday, too.

Saïx from KH. I have been wanting to do some KH art lately but I'm kinda out of ideas right now. So I did some sketches instead.
New ID to deviantArt. My zodiac ID, I'm Virgo by western zodiac and Metal Goat by chinese zodiac.

This is from yesterday. I tested something new with inks. Tried to get more like "children-book-illustration"-looking style for this one.


  1. that last one is stunning!!! love the image and the black and white contrast! :D

    Animated Confessions

  2. The last one looks wonderful. <3

  3. I am in the process of moving as well. I understand.
    I love your work and the fact that you are trying every technique. David, NYC
