July 7, 2010

Oh, I almost forgot! I have now also new "lifestyle"-blog, feel free to visit there, too! It's mainly written in Finnish, but I always translate main parts of every entry in English. Blog can be found here.

Hello again, it's been awhile. I haven't forgot this blog I'm just little busy with some other projects, so I don't even have time to pic up the pencils. The most time taking project right now is my and my friends cosplay project which must be finished before next Friday. We have this little SH cosplay thing at Finncon, and I still need to help my friend to get her mask, dress and shoes ready. We have know this thing for umm.. around two months (?) already, but like always we are a little late with our schedule.. :D

But now, because I don't have anything else to show you right now, I'll just show some WIP pictures of my part of the cosplay.

making the Nurse mask. Gauzes are taking some color at tea and after that I placed them to oven for ten minutes and set the heat around 250 degree. Base of the mask is made of ripped news paper which I layered over balloon with water-soluble glue. Some kind of paste would propaply work better for this, but I didn't have any.

Finished mask and shoes.
When base of the mask was dry enough I started to lay gauzes on top of it. I glued them with same glue as I did the base. I think that any kind of non-toxic water-soluble glue will work, if you don't stand on the rain with that mask. I used finnish brand "ERi keeper" which is great for crafting. After placing gauzes I let it dry and then just painted it with acrylics. Shoes were bought from local flea-market, scratched with sandpaper and painted with acrylics.

Dress in progress.
Dress is real nurse-dress from health-care centre, It's cutted shorter and took a little bit in, so it will fit better and thighter. Then it had the same treatment as the gauzes, soaked with tea and then placed it in the oven. I let it dry and splattered paint, mud and my-self-made-super-goo all over it. Goo was made from all kind of foodstuff and spices so now that dress smells like cinnamon.. :D

And finished!
Make-up is really quick one, this took only about 10-15 mins so it's not perfect this was just testing. Of course for the con I'll take more effort to it.

That's all for this time, sorry for lack of sketches. But maybe this is better than nothing!
And thank you all very much for the comments and welcome new followers! I really appreciate that all. :)

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